
Where your joy,
freedom and business meet

Freepreneur is a 1-on-1 mentorship program where we will work on 3 core elements to revolutionize your business – pricing, revenue and infrastructure – to create a business that delivers you the time + money freedom you have been dreaming of..


You had a dream once - you dreamt of being your own boss, doing what you love,
making a difference in the world, and creating money + time freedom for yourself.

You had a dream once - you dreamt of being your own boss, doing what you love,
making a difference in the world, and creating money + time freedom for yourself.

YOU, heart-centered friend:

Refuse to keep throwing money out the window on things that are not producing the results that you want

Crave clarity, focus, and guided accountability so you can take massive action to impact your business results


You took a bold risk and went all in to pursue your vision of creating a business that would make all your dreams come true. Only, you’re not where you want to be.

Imagine how it would feel to be...

  • Grateful that you finally achieved the money AND time freedom that you got into business for?
  • Clear on the actions you need to take to keep making the MONEY you want?
  • Joyful that you have the TIME freedom for yourself and your family?
  • Servicing only your ideal clients?
  • Empowered by your numbers so you stop chasing arbitrary financial goals?

Freepreneur Successes

Want to find out if we are the right Money Mentors for you?

Click to schedule a FREE Clarity Call

Here’s how Freepreneur is delivered

  • 12 confidential sessions with us that will produce breakthroughs in your business
  • Revitalize your business so that finally, it will deliver on the income that you want + the time freedom that you’ve been dreaming of.
  • Get in tune with your numbers and financials to gain clarity on where you stand in your business
  • Identify gaps in your business that are interfering with having a business that delivers on your wants
  • Transform your business results - structure your financials so that you can make sense of the numbers easily; fine tune your revenue model to deliver the income you want; define your ideal role in the business; identify the support you need
  • Gain a clear roadmap so that you can easily implement changes that will make a big impact on your results


Money Mask quiz that will identify your money personality

Clear, step-by-step exercises and
thought-provoking questions

BONUS: unlimited email access
to us for additional support

Freepreneur Successes

“ Falcon Lam gave me amazing results. There has been an increase in revenue and time freedom.”

“My challenge at the beginning before I started working here was there really was no time, it was just business, business, business. I was very overwhelmed. Falcon Lam gave me amazing results. There has been an increase in revenue and time freedom.”

Christine McAlister, Owner of Christine’s Tax & Business Services

If you’re ready have the Time + Money freedom you have been dreaming of,
your next step is to find out if we are the right Money Mentor for you.

Click to schedule a FREE Clarity Call